Apply for a Bursary - Conference 2024

The Society is committed to making the Conference as financially accessible as possible, and we have a generous bursary fund that can provide help towards the conference fee, accommodation and meal costs, all in order to support attendance from students, those on a low income, unemployed people, and clergy and ministers. Bursaries can be used to offset all or part of the cost of the conference fee.

In order to receive a bursary, you must be registered with the Society. If you are not already registered, please follow this link. To apply for a bursary please complete the form below. The deadline for bursary applications is 5pm, 17th January 2024.

If you apply for a bursary the Secretary or Treasurer will notify you by e-mail (to the address from which you applied) of the outcome by 23rd February. This is in order to give you time to book and pay before the early booking rate deadline (5th March) if your attendance at the conference depends on a bursary being available. If you have applied for a bursary, please do not make your booking until you know the outcome of your application. This is because bursaries will be e-mailed as a coupon, which holders will be able to use when making their online booking.

Bursary Allocation

Bursaries come in three amounts: Full (£200), Half (£100), and Minor (£50). Full bursaries come in two parts, £100 applicable to the Conference fee, and £100 applicable to room and board. Historically, about half of applications have been successful.

After the closing of applications, Bursaries are allocated in the following way:

1. Applications from those invited to present papers are considered first. If funds remain after all presenters have been offered a bursary, others will be considered.

2. Applications are considered on the basis of access to funding. Preference will be given to applicants without income or access to institutional funding. Successful candidates in this category will be awarded Full bursaries.

3. Secondary consideration is given to those with partial employment and/or access to institutional funds. Preference will be given first to those who are partially employed with less access to institutional funds, and then those with access to more institutional funds. Successful candidates will be awarded Half bursaries.

4. Final consideration to those who are fully employed. Preference will be given to those with less access to institutional funds. Successful candidates will be awarded Minor bursaries.

5. If, after all delegates presenting papers have been considered, funds remain, the remaining applicants will be considered in the same order as above.

6. In the case that the number of applicants in a category (e.g., presenters with access to partial funding) exceeds the amount of funding available, applications will be chosen at random.

Presenting applicants who are unable to attend will be offered a Minor bursary applicable to online-only attendance.

Global Majority Heritage applicants are also invited to apply for one of our GMH bursaries, in partnership with the British and Irish Association of Practical Theology, and with the Susanna Wesley Foundation. GMH applications will be considered first, and unsuccessful GMH applicants will automatically be considered in the regular bursary allocation process.

If you have any questions about the bursaries or experience any problems completing the form, please contact

Contributions to the fund may be made when booking or at any other time. For further information about making a donation, please click here.

Now open!

Call for papers

Deadline: Wednesday 17th January 2024

Click here

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