Bursary Scheme for BAME scholars

The Society is partnering with the British and Irish Association of Practical Theology, and with the Susanna Wesley Foundation, to introduce a bursary scheme for BAME scholars, that will cover much of the cost of attending the conference. Our aim is to facilitate the fuller participation of BAME scholars and students of theology in our annual conference and so to help address the marginalisation of their voices in the Society and promote its transformation as a space for deeper and broader theological conversation.

We are looking for named partners to join us in this initiative by funding top-ups to the bursary for eligible members of their organisation. This leaflet gives further information about the scheme, the organisations involved and the role of named partners.

If you represent or belong to an organisation whose members might benefit from the scheme (such as a church, diocese, society, university), our hope is that this information will be useful to you in considering partnering with us or in advocating for such partnership to your colleagues.

If you have any questions regarding this initiative, please contact admin@theologysociety.org.uk.